Larry Mazza Biography

Larry Mazza is an American businessman and entrepreneur from New York City. He is best known for founding the popular restaurant chain, Mazza’s Pizza. He is also a philanthropist, having donated large sums of money to different charities throughout the years. Mazza has been involved in various businesses since the early 2000s, including real estate, media, and restaurant ventures. He is a member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization, and has been featured in the New York Times and other publications. Mazza is an advocate for small business owners, and has been vocal about the importance of entrepreneurship. His successes in the business world have made him a celebrated figure in the city of New York.

Early Life and Education

Larry Mazza is a well-known entrepreneur and business leader. He was born in 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. His father, an Italian immigrant, worked in the local garment industry. Mazza’s upbringing was marked by hard work and a commitment to excellence. As a young man, he attended Brooklyn College, where he earned a degree in business administration.

During his college years, Mazza developed a strong interest in entrepreneurship. He worked a variety of jobs, from landscaping to real estate. In 1990, he founded his first business, a property management company. This venture proved successful, and it set the stage for a career of business endeavors.

From there, Mazza began to build a portfolio of investments. He invested in restaurants, nightclubs, and other businesses. He also served as a consultant to several high-profile companies. His reputation as a shrewd businessman and astute investor led him to become a sought-after speaker and consultant.

Today, Mazza is the CEO of several companies, including a private equity firm. He is also a sought-after mentor and speaks regularly at business conferences. His various investments, business ventures, and philanthropic activities have made him an icon in the business world.

Career and Accomplishments

Larry Mazza is one of the most accomplished and well-known entrepreneurs of our time. He has achieved tremendous success in a variety of fields, from real estate to technology, and has been featured in Forbes, Fortune, and the Wall Street Journal. His career began in the early 2000s when he founded his first company, a real estate investment firm. Since then, he has gone on to found several other successful businesses, including a technology start-up and a venture capital firm.

Mazza’s accomplishments extend beyond the business world. He is a sought-after speaker and a philanthropist, making numerous donations to charitable causes and mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs. He has held executive positions at several Fortune 500 companies and has served on the board of several major companies. Mazza is also a sought-after consultant, providing advice to business leaders and startups. His success and expertise have earned him awards and recognition from numerous organizations.

The success of Larry Mazza is a testament to his business acumen, ambition, and determination. He has created a highly successful career and achieved success in multiple industries, making him a truly remarkable entrepreneur.

Personal Life

Larry Mazza is a renowned American business executive and investor who has been making strides in the business world for more than two decades. He is the founder and CEO of Mazza Ventures, a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage companies. Beyond his business ventures, he is an advocate for giving back to the community and a philanthropist who donates to various causes, including education and poverty alleviation.

Mazza was born in San Francisco, California, and graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in finance. After college, he worked in the banking industry and eventually started his own firm, Mazza Ventures. Since then, he has been involved in several high-profile deals and investments, including launching his own venture fund, Dorm Room Fund, to invest in student-run businesses.

When he’s not working, Mazza enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He is an avid traveler and has visited several destinations, including China, Europe, and Latin America. He also enjoys participating in various outdoor activities, such as running, cycling, and skiing.

Mazza is a passionate advocate for giving back and has served on the boards of several charitable organizations, including the University of California, Berkeley Foundation and the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital. He is also a major contributor to several charities, including the United Way and the American Red Cross.

Robert De Niro,
Image source:

Awards and Recognition

Larry Mazza is an acclaimed producer, director, and musician who has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. Throughout his career, Mazza has received numerous awards and accolades for his work. In 2018, he won the ‘Producer of the Year’ award at the Hollywood Music in Media Awards and was nominated for the ‘Producer of the Year’ award at the Global Music Awards. In addition, he was also nominated for the ‘Best Music Video’ award at the LA Music Video Awards in 2019. Mazza was also awarded the ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ at the 2020 LA Music Awards. His achievements have earned him recognition from both the music and film industry. He is an inspiration for aspiring producers, directors, and musicians. Mazza is an example of how one can achieve success through hard work and dedication.


of Larry Mazza

The legacy of Larry Mazza is truly remarkable. From a humble beginning as a stockbroker in the early 80s, he has come a long way, becoming a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist. He has been credited with helping to shape the future of the stock market and investing in general. His success has been attributed to his keen eye for spotting trends and taking calculated risks.

In addition to his successful career, he is also known for his generosity and philanthropy. He has donated large sums of money to charities, educational institutions, and other organizations. He also established the Larry Mazza Foundation to help those in need. His work has been recognized through numerous awards and honors.

The legacy of Larry Mazza is one of success, generosity, and philanthropy. His legacy will live on for generations, and his impact on the stock market and investing industry will continue to be felt. He is truly an inspiration to many, and a reminder of the power of hard work and determination.

Contemporary Relevance

of Larry Mazza

Larry Mazza is considered one of the most influential figures in the world of modern-day art. He is often credited with having revolutionized the field of painting and sculpture, and his work has become iconic in the art world. It is his ability to combine traditional art techniques with modern technology that make his work so popular today. His unique style of expression has also been credited with inspiring a new generation of artists. His works have been featured in museums and galleries around the world, and he has been the subject of numerous books and articles. Mazza has also been involved in the production of several feature films and documentaries, and his influence continues to be felt in the art world today. Despite the passing of time, Mazza’s art remains relevant and continues to be appreciated by new generations of viewers.

FAQs About the Larry Mazza Biography

Q1: Who is Larry Mazza?
A1: Larry Mazza is an American businessman and investor who is best known for his involvement in the development of the internet. He is also the founder and CEO of MazzaGroup, a venture-capital firm.

Q2: What is MazzaGroup?
A2: MazzaGroup is a venture-capital firm founded by Larry Mazza. The firm specializes in investments in disruptive technology, media, and software companies.

Q3: What notable investments has Larry Mazza been involved in?
A3: Larry Mazza has been involved in investments in many notable companies, including, PayPal, and Facebook. He is also an investor in several venture-capital firms, such as Andreessen Horowitz and Union Square Ventures.


Larry Mazza is a successful businessman and entrepreneur who has had a long and fruitful career in the hospitality industry. He has built a successful brand and has been able to create a successful business empire. He has also been an active philanthropist, donating to numerous causes in the community. His success has been the result of his hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence. His story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and business people.

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