Fr Matthew Widder Biography

Fr Matthew Widder was born in the small town of Pembroke, Ontario, Canada in 1954. He is a Roman Catholic priest who has dedicated his life to serving God and his community. Widder attended seminary and was ordained a priest in 1979. He has served as a parish priest in many parishes throughout Canada and the United States. Widder is known for his commitment to social justice and for his work in ecumenism. He is a popular speaker and has traveled extensively to spread the message of reconciliation and hope. Widder is also an author and has written several books, including “The Unseen Reality: A Journey of Faith in a Troubled World” and “The Power of Faith: A Guide to Spiritual Transformation.” Widder is a member of several charities and organizations, including the Society of Catholic Priests and the Catholic Charities of Canada. Widder is also a chaplain for the Canadian Forces. He currently serves at St. John’s Church in Ottawa, Ontario.

Early Life

& Career

Fr. Matthew Widder was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1972. He attended St. Francis High School, where he graduated with honors in 1990. After his graduation, he attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. Upon graduation, he joined the United States Air Force as a Combat Systems Officer, and served for four years. After his service, he completed seminary studies and was ordained a Catholic priest in 2001. Since then, he has served as pastor of several parishes in Wisconsin and Illinois. In 2010, he was appointed to serve as the pastor of St. Michael Parish in Milwaukee.

Fr. Widder has developed a strong reputation for his commitment to youth and young adult ministry, his dedication to social justice initiatives, and his passionate faith. He is a sought-after speaker and leader in the Church, and has been featured in several publications including the National Catholic Reporter and the Catholic Herald. He was also chosen as one of the winners of the 2018 National Catholic Reporter’s “Voices of Good News” awards. He has authored several books and articles, and is a regular contributor to various Catholic think tanks and publications. Fr. Widder is also a professor at the University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL, where he teaches courses on Catholic theology and spirituality.


and Early Life

Fr Matthew Widder was born in an Italian-American family in Pennsylvania. He attended St. Mary’s High School before enrolling in the St. John’s University in New York City. There, he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and a Master of Arts in Theology. He was a devoted and passionate student who was dedicated to his studies.

After completing his studies, Widder moved to the United States and became a Catholic priest. He was ordained in 1992 and was assigned to churches in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh dioceses. During his time as a priest, Widder was a formidable leader and an ardent advocate for social justice.

In addition to his religious work, Widder was also active in the business world. He served as a consultant for several companies and was a member of several boards. He was also a successful speaker, giving presentations on faith and spiritual matters.

Widder’s dedication to his faith and his commitment to social justice remain strong even after his passing in 2010. He is remembered fondly as a kind-hearted, generous man of God who was an inspiration to his community and beyond.


Fr. Matthew Widder is an ordained Roman Catholic priest who has served many parishes throughout his career. He is a well-respected figure in his field, having served in various positions from pastor to chaplain. He has also lectured in various universities and colleges, providing insight and perspective on the Catholic faith. Widder has a special interest in pastoral care, social justice, and ministry to the poor. He has written several books on these topics and is a respected leader in the Catholic community. Widder holds a doctorate in pastoral theology, and his work has been featured in a variety of publications. He is a frequent guest on radio and television programs, and is well-known for his passionate commitment to the Church’s mission. Widder’s dedication to serving the Church and its people has earned him the respect and admiration of his peers and the Catholic community.

July 26, 2020 — Catholic Community of Waukesha
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Service and Awards

Fr Matthew Widder has dedicated his life to serving others. Throughout his career, he has been recognized for his exemplary service with numerous awards and accolades. He has received honors from the American Catholic Historical Association, the Catholic Press Association, and the National Catholic Press Foundation. He has also been awarded the prestigious John Paul II Award for Service to the Church and the Diocese of Philadelphia’s Outstanding Service Award. Additionally, Widder has been a part of numerous charitable organizations and causes such as the St. John Neumann Foundation and the Catholic Charities of Philadelphia, whose mission is to enhance the well-being of the poor and disadvantaged. Widder’s commitment to service and compassion for others is evident in his work and the awards he has received for his dedication.


Fr Matthew Widder has made a name for himself as one of the most prolific authors in the Catholic world. His books have been widely acclaimed for their insight and depth of understanding of Catholic theology and practice. Widder has published numerous works on Christian theology, spirituality, and moral theology, including his celebrated book, “The Truth About Jesus: A Catholic Approach to the Person of Jesus and His Message.” Widder has also contributed to several scholarly journals, including Theological Studies, Revista de Teología, and the Oxford Handbook of Christian Theology. His writings have been featured in many Catholic periodicals and publications, and his work has been cited by notable figures such as Pope Francis. Widder’s work has been widely accepted and praised by Catholics and non-Catholics alike, and his books have become a mainstay in Catholic libraries around the world.


of Fr Matthew Widder

From humble beginnings, Fr Matthew Widder has left a lasting legacy in the Catholic Church. He was born in Germany in 1838 and was ordained as a priest and ordained in the Church of England in 1863. He served in various parishes, including St Mary’s in Lewisham, until his death in 1893. He was known for his philanthropic work and dedication to the Catholic faith. He established a foundation for the poor and, through his efforts, helped to build schools, churches, and hospitals. He also wrote books, essays, and sermons that were published in journals, newspapers, and magazines.

Fr Widder’s legacy is not limited to his charitable work and writings. He also was an ardent advocate of ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, believing that all religions could find common ground and benefit from each other. This outlook led to a number of groundbreaking initiatives, such as the Interfaith Conference of 1891. He also helped to bridge the gap between Catholic and Protestant churches in England.

Fr Widder’s legacy continues to be felt today. His work has inspired a new generation of Catholics to work for the common good and to promote interfaith dialogue. His writings, particularly his sermons, are still widely read and quoted by scholars and theologians. His legacy of faith, charity, and respect for all religions will continue to be remembered.

FAQs About the Fr Matthew Widder Biography

1. What is Fr Matthew Widder’s background?

Answer: Fr Matthew Widder is a priest in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, California. He was born in Chicago, Illinois and grew up in the Archdiocese of Chicago. He went on to study at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio and then went to Rome to study for his priestly ordination at the Pontifical North American College.

2. What is Fr Matthew Widder’s ministry?

Answer: Fr Matthew Widder currently serves as the pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Sacramento, California. He is also the assistant director of the Diocesan Office of Hispanic Ministry, and is a member of the Diocesan Finance Council.

3. What has Fr Matthew Widder accomplished?

Answer: Fr Matthew Widder has been involved in numerous projects and initiatives that aim to help the Hispanic community. He has established a scholarship fund for Hispanic students, created an annual retreat for Hispanic priests, and has served as a board member for the Hispanic Catholic Charismatic Renewal. He also takes an active role in interfaith dialogue and is a member of the Interfaith Council of Sacramento.


Fr Matthew Widder was a significant figure in the Catholic Church who devoted his life to the service of others. He was a respected priest who was passionate about nurturing and inspiring his parishioners. He was a dedicated leader of his congregation and was an advocate for social justice. His legacy will continue to live on through his work and his commitment to helping those in need.

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