Sukumar Roy Biography

Sukumar Ray was a Bengali poet, story writer, playwright, and editor from the early 20th century. He was born in present-day Bangladesh in 1887 and was educated in Kolkata, India. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in Bengali literature. Ray wrote whimsical and humorous poetry and stories for children and adults, which often featured animals and other fantastical creatures. He was also a pioneer in the use of sound and rhythm in his works, and his influence can be seen in the works of later Bengali writers. Ray’s works are still widely read today, and he is remembered as a master of wit, satire, and wordplay.

Early Life of Sukumar Roy

Sukumar Roy was born in the town of Bankipore in India’s Bengal Presidency (now Bangladesh). He was the son of a lawyer and was educated in English-medium schools, eventually graduating from the prestigious St. Xavier’s College in Calcutta. He went on to become one of the most influential Bengali poets and writers of the early 20th century. He is best known for his poem “Abol Tabol”, which is a whimsical and humorous collection of nonsense verse. He was also an accomplished musician, playing the sitar and tabla.

Roy wrote extensively, particularly for children. His works feature a creative use of language and playful images, making them popular with children. He also wrote lyrics for various songs, some of which have become classics in the Bengali repertoire. He even wrote the lyrics of the national anthem of Bangladesh. His works have been translated into numerous languages, including English, French, and German.

Sukumar Roy was a pioneering figure in Bengali literature, and his work has had a lasting and significant impact on the region. He was a champion of children’s literature, and his works have been enjoyed by generations of young readers. His influence can still be seen in the works of contemporary Bengali writers.

Education and Career of Sukumar Roy

Sukumar Roy was born in 1887 in a small town in Bengal, India. He was a renowned Bengali poet, novelist, and essayist of the early twentieth century. He was an influential figure in the development of modern Bengali literature. He studied at the Scottish Church College in Calcutta and completed his MA in English literature in 1907.

Roy wrote several books and articles on literature, philosophy, and social and political issues. He published his first book, Bhranti Bilas, in 1906. His other works include Malancha, Chheleder Panchali, and Srikanta. He was associated with the Indian National Congress and was an important leader in the Swadeshi movement.

In 1928, he was appointed as a professor of English literature at the University of Calcutta. He was also an active member of the Indian literary society, Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. Roy died in 1932, leaving behind a rich legacy of literary works.

Sukumar Roy was an important figure in the development of modern Bengali literature. He wrote several books and articles on literature, philosophy, and social and political issues. He was an active member of the Indian National Congress and the Indian literary society, Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. He was a professor of English literature at the University of Calcutta and left behind a meaningful legacy of literary works when he passed away in 1932.

Literary Works of Sukumar Roy

Sukumar Roy was one of the most influential Bengali poets and writers of the 20th century. His work is known for its blend of traditional literary styles with modern influences. His writing bridged the gap between old and new, often incorporating elements of both cultures into his work. Roy was a prolific writer, with many of his works being published in magazines and newspapers. His most famous works include “Banglar Mati O Manush” (The Country and the People of Bengal), “Kheya” (The Boat), “Gaaner Opare” (Across the Sky), and “Chhoto Golpo” (Little Stories). He also wrote several books of poetry, including “Ei Mohorar Kachhe” (This Moment of Time), “Dhulikona” (The Wreckage), and “Kaler Paye” (The Harvest of Time). His works often dealt with themes of social change, justice, and the beauty of nature. Roy was also well-known for his translations of English and French literature into Bengali, including works by authors such as Shakespeare, Wordsworth, and Voltaire. His creative and innovative writing style made him a beloved figure in the Bengali literary world, and his works continue to be an important part of Bengali literature today.

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Awards and Honours Received by Sukumar Roy

Sukumar Roy was one of the most iconic Bengali writers of the 20th century, and he was recognized for his literary contribution to Bengali literature through a variety of awards and honours. He received several awards and honours during his life, including the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1962 for his collection of short stories, Tungabhadrar Teere. He was also awarded the prestigious Ananda Puraskar in 1983 for his novel, Bipiner Sansar. In addition, Roy was a recipient of the Rabindra Puraskar from the Government of West Bengal in 1964, and the Padma Bhushan in 1967. He also received honorary degrees from the University of Calcutta, the University of Burdwan, and the Visva Bharati University, among others.

Sukumar Roy was also known for his philanthropic work and was awarded the Deshikottam Award from Visva Bharati University in 1965. He was also the recipient of the Soviet Land Nehru Award in 1970, and was awarded the Soviet Land’s highest literary award, the Soviet Land Kalidas Award, in 1973. In addition, he was given the Sahitya Bisharad Award by the Sahitya Akademi in 1981.

Roy was also a member of several prestigious literary organizations, including the Bangiya Sahitya Parishad, the Bharatiya Jnanpith, and the Sahitya Akademi. He was also the first President of the Indian PEN Centre, and was a founding member of the Indian branch of International PEN.

Sukumar Roy’s immense contribution to Bengali literature has been recognized and celebrated through a variety of awards and honours. He is an inspiration to aspiring writers and his works will continue to be enjoyed and appreciated for generations to come.

Legacy of Sukumar Roy

Sukumar Ray was an Indian Bengali poet, storyteller, playwright and artist who left an indelible mark in Bengali literature and culture. His works, full of wit and humour, remain an integral part of Bengali literature. He was a master of satire and his works often commented on the social and political issues of his time. His contributions to the development of Bengali literature have been immense.

The legacy of Sukumar Roy continues to this day, with his works being studied and celebrated in schools, colleges, and universities across India. His short stories, poems, plays, and other works have been translated into multiple languages, and have been adapted for stage and screen. His influence can be seen in the works of many contemporary authors, who cite him as an inspiration.

Sukumar Ray was an innovator in the fields of poetry and literature, and his works continue to be celebrated to this day. He was an advocate for the use of satire and wit in literature, and his works remain an important part of Bengali culture. His legacy continues to inspire new generations of authors, and his influence is still felt in Bengali literature and culture today.

Criticism of Sukumar Roy

Sukumar Roy is one of the most celebrated writers of Bengali literature, but his works have also been met with criticism. His use of language and syntax can be seen as challenging and complex, and some critics deem his writing too intellectual. Others feel that his writing is too abstract and that it fails to accurately portray the reality of Bengal. His stories are often seen as too idealistic and lacking in realism. In addition, some critics have argued that Roy’s work is too focused on the upper-class society and fails to accurately capture the everyday life of the common people. He has also been criticized for his lack of female characters in his stories. Despite this criticism, Sukumar Roy’s works are still widely admired and his influence is still seen in Bengali literature today.

FAQs About the Sukumar Roy Biography

Q1: Who is Sukumar Roy?
A1: Sukumar Roy was an Indian Bengali poet, novelist, and artist. He is most famous for his children’s literature and is credited as the creator of modern Bengali poetry.

Q2: What awards did Sukumar Roy receive?
A2: Sukumar Roy received several awards and honors, including the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1967 and the Ananda Purashkar in 1977.

Q3: What are some of Sukumar Roy’s notable works?
A3: Some of Sukumar Roy’s most notable works include Abol Tabol, Sonar Tori, Dhushor Pandulipi, and Suruja-O-Surabala.


Sukumar Roy was a prominent Bengali poet, novelist, and humorist who was a pioneer of modern Bengali literature. He wrote under the pseudonym of Parashuram, and his works are best known for their wit, irony, satire, and humor. His works ranged from poetry, plays, stories, and novels, and he is credited with helping to introduce a new style of writing to Bengali literature. He was also known for his influence on the modern Bengali language, and for his influence on subsequent generations of Bengali writers. His works are still widely read and appreciated today, and his influence will likely continue to be felt for generations to come.

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