Ravinder Singh Biography

Ravinder Singh is an Indian author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. He is best known for his novel I Too Had a Love Story, which was an instant bestseller when it was released in 2008. He has written a number of other books including Can Love Happen Twice?, Like It Happened Yesterday, Your Dreams Are Mine Now, and Tell Me A Story. He is also the founder of Black Turtle, a process management company in India. Ravinder Singh is an inspirational figure for many and an advocate for the importance of following one’s dreams.

Early Life

Ravinder Singh, born on 3 June 1982 in a small village in India, is one of the most renowned authors in the world. He is best known for his bestselling novels such as I Too Had a Love Story, Can Love Happen Twice?, Like It Happened Yesterday and Your Dreams Are Mine Now.

Ravinder Singh had a humble upbringing in a rural village, where he was raised by his parents, who were both farmers. As a child, he was an avid reader and was fascinated by books, spending most of his free time devouring books of all kinds. His love of books soon turned into a passion for writing, and he began writing short stories and poems in his early teenage years.

After completing his basic education, Ravinder Singh went on to pursue a degree in engineering from the prestigious Delhi College of Engineering. After graduating, he worked as a software engineer in a leading software firm in Bangalore for two years before deciding to pursue his dream of writing.

Ravinder Singh is now one of the most celebrated authors of contemporary Indian literature. His novels have won numerous awards and have been translated into various languages. He has also written several non-fiction works and has been featured in various magazines and newspapers. He is also a popular public speaker and has addressed various seminars and conferences across the globe.


Ravinder Singh is a highly accomplished Indian author and motivational speaker. He has penned several best-selling books, including I Too Had A Love Story, Can Love Happen Twice?, and Like It Happened Yesterday. Prior to becoming an author, Ravinder obtained an engineering degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur in 2003. Following this, he obtained an MBA in Marketing from the Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM), New Delhi.

Ravinder’s educational background has provided him with the skills and knowledge to express himself in writing. This expertise was put to use when he started his first novel, I Too Had A Love Story, which went on to become a bestseller. He has since written numerous novels that have become extremely popular among readers.

Throughout his career, Ravinder has been an advocate for the power of education and has often spoken about its importance in his motivational speeches. In one of his talks, he said, “Education is the key to success. It opens doors of opportunity and helps in achieving our dreams. It is the best investment one can make in life, and it will never disappoint us.”

Ravinder Singh’s success is a testament to the power of education and how it can help in achieving our goals. His educational background and passion for writing have enabled him to become one of the most successful authors in India.


Ravinder Singh is an Indian novelist, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker who has achieved success in many areas throughout his career. He is best known for his debut novel, I Too Had a Love Story, which has been adapted into a Bollywood movie. He has also written several other books, including Can Love Happen Twice?, Like It Happened Yesterday, and Your Dreams Are Mine Now.

Ravinder has established himself as a successful entrepreneur, having founded the publishing company, Black Ink. He has also been a motivational speaker, delivering lectures at universities and various other places. He has also served as a jury member for the National Film Awards, and his work has been recognized by many literary and media outlets.

Ravinder has been a part of numerous TV interviews, and his books have been translated into many languages. He has also been featured in various magazines and newspapers, including the New York Times, Time, and the Wall Street Journal.

Ravinder Singh’s success story is an inspiration to many. His resilience, hard work, and determination have allowed him to achieve his goals and become a celebrated author. He has proved to be an example for aspiring writers and entrepreneurs, showing that it is possible to attain success through dedication and perseverance.

Ravinder Singh Biography and Famous Books | FrontList
Image source: https://www.frontlist.in/ravinder-singh-

Literary Works

Ravinder Singh is one of the most prominent Indian authors. He first gained recognition for his debut novel I Too Had a Love Story, and subsequently rose to fame with his bestselling novels Can Love Happen Twice?, Like It Happened Yesterday, Your Dreams Are Mine Now, and This Love That Feels Right. Singh’s works have been translated into various languages, including Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu, Bengali, and Tamil. Singh’s works are known for their focus on the complexities of romantic relationships and for their strong, character-driven narratives. His books often touch upon the themes of loneliness, courage, and the power of love, making them particularly popular with young readers. Singh has also written several short stories, articles, and essays which have been published in various literary journals and magazines. Ravinder Singh’s books have been widely praised for their honest and emotional portrayals of relationships, and their captivating storytelling.

Awards and Recognition

Ravinder Singh, the bestselling Indian author, has been widely acclaimed for his work in the field of literature. He has won numerous awards and recognition for his literary works, which have been translated into more than twenty languages. He has won the Crossword Book Award, the Vodafone Crossword Book Award, and the Sahitya Akademi Award, among others. He has also been featured in the Forbes India Celebrity 100 list for his achievements in the field of literature. Singh’s most famous works include I Too Had A Love Story, Can Love Happen Twice?, Like It Happened Yesterday, and Your Dreams Are Mine Now. His works have also been adapted to the big screen, making him a celebrated figure in the literary world.

Personal Life

Ravinder Singh is an Indian author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker who has inspired millions of readers with his best-selling books. Born in a small village in Odisha, Ravinder completed his education from the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela. He went on to pursue a career in the corporate sector, working in various multinational companies. In 2014, he decided to leave his corporate job and work on his passion for writing.

Ravinder is married to his college sweetheart, Ritika, and the couple has a daughter, Simran. He is a firm believer in the power of positivity and loves to share his journey on his social media platforms. He is also an avid traveler and often shares his travel experiences with his followers.

Ravinder launched his debut novel, I Too Had A Love Story in 2008, which went on to become a huge success. This was followed by several more bestsellers such as Can Love Happen Twice?, Like It Happened Yesterday, This Love That Feels Right, Your Dreams Are Mine Now, and Your Heart is Mine. He is truly an inspiration for all aspiring authors who want to make it big in the literary world.

FAQs About the Ravinder Singh Biography

1. What is Ravinder Singh’s educational background?

Answer: Ravinder Singh is an Indian author and entrepreneur. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science from the University of Pune, and an MBA from the Indian School of Business.

2. What books has Ravinder Singh written?

Answer: Ravinder Singh has authored seven bestselling novels, including I Too Had a Love Story, Can Love Happen Twice?, Like It Happened Yesterday, Your Dreams are Mine Now, This Love That Feels Right, Tell Me a Story and Yours Truly.

3. What awards has Ravinder Singh won?

Answer: Ravinder Singh has won numerous awards for his books, including the Crossword Popular Choice Award, the DNA-Outlook SpeakOut Award and the Society Young Achievers Award. He has also been featured in Forbes India’s Celebrity 100 List.


Ravinder Singh is an Indian author who has achieved success through his words and stories. He is an inspiration to many aspiring authors, and his books have sold millions of copies across India. His books explore various themes such as love, relationships, family, and life in general. He has also won various awards including the Crossword Book Award. His books are known to bring a smile to the reader’s face and have touched the hearts of many. His life story is an inspiration to all, and his books are an example of how to achieve success through hard work and dedication.

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