Encyclopedia Of World Biography Online


The Encyclopedia of World Biography Online, part of the Gale Virtual Reference Library, is a comprehensive collection of biographical articles covering the most influential people and events of the past and present. It includes more than 17,000 biographies of important figures from around the world, along with photographs, illustrations, and timelines. Each biography is written by experts in the field and provides an in-depth look at the individual’s life and accomplishments. The Encyclopedia of World Biography Online can be used by students, researchers, and anyone interested in learning about history and biography.

Overview of World Biography


World Biography Online is an online encyclopedia of biographies of famous people from all over the world. It contains detailed information about their lives, works, and achievements, as well as their contributions to society. The encyclopedia has been designed to provide an in-depth analysis of the life and work of prominent figures in human history. It includes a variety of biographical profiles, including those of political leaders, musicians, artists, religious leaders, scientists, and other notable individuals. Each profile includes a detailed biography, along with a timeline of the person’s life, and a list of their major achievements. World Biography Online also contains a wealth of information about the history and culture of the countries in which the individuals lived. It is an invaluable resource for students and scholars, and is an excellent source of information for anyone seeking to learn more about the past and present of the world.

Types of World Biographies

The Encyclopedia of World Biography Online has become a valuable resource for students and researchers of all ages. Featuring biographical information on some of the greatest minds in history, it offers detailed insights into the lives of influential people throughout the ages. In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of a person’s life, the Encyclopedia of World Biography Online also includes biographical information on a variety of topics, including political leaders, scientists, artists, and celebrities.

One of the most popular types of world biographies featured in the Encyclopedia of World Biography Online is that of political leaders. This type of biography provides readers with information on the lives and careers of some of the most influential people in the world, including former presidents, prime ministers, and other world leaders. Additionally, this type of biography includes information on their political ideologies and accomplishments, allowing readers to gain a better understanding of the person’s impact on their country and the world.

Another type of biography featured in the Encyclopedia of World Biography Online is that of notable scientists and inventors. Featuring biographical accounts of some of the most influential scientists in history, this type of biography provides readers with detailed information on the lives and accomplishments of these individuals. From Galileo Galilei and Marie Curie to Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk, this type of biography allows readers to gain a better understanding of the impact these individuals have had on the world.

Finally, the Encyclopedia of World Biography Online also includes biographical accounts of artists and celebrities. This type of biography offers readers a comprehensive overview of the lives of some of the most influential figures in the arts and entertainment industry. From actors and musicians to painters and sculptors, this type of biography provides readers with an in-depth understanding of the lives and accomplishments of these individuals.

Overall, the Encyclopedia of World Biography Online provides readers with comprehensive biographical accounts of some of the most influential people in history. Featuring biographical accounts of political leaders, scientists, artists, and celebrities, this resource allows readers to gain a better understanding of the lives and accomplishments of these individuals.

Benefits of Online World Biography

Exploring the lives and accomplishments of influential people throughout history can be an enriching experience. The Encyclopedia of World Biography Online (EWB Online) is a comprehensive resource that allows users to gain a greater understanding of the lives of some of the most influential people in the world. It provides insights into the personalities, values, and beliefs of these individuals and the impact they had on their respective societies. EWB Online contains biographical entries from the ancient world to the present day, offering an invaluable resource for researchers, students, and anyone else interested in learning more about the past.

The benefits of using the EWB Online are numerous. It provides a wealth of information about people from a wide range of backgrounds, providing a unique perspective on history. The entries are written in a concise and easily digestible format, allowing readers to quickly gain an understanding of a person’s life and accomplishments. Additionally, the encyclopedia is continually updated, making sure that readers have access to the most up-to-date information. EWB Online also provides links to other relevant resources, providing readers with even more in-depth information.

EWB Online is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to gain a more thorough understanding of influential people from around the world. With its comprehensive and continually updated collection of biographies, it is the perfect tool for researchers, students, and anyone else curious about the past.

Gale eBooks | UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography
Image source: https://www.gale.com/ebooks/9780787693183/uxl-encyclopedia-of-world-biography

Sources of Online World Biography

Whether you’re learning more about history, researching a particular person, or just looking for a good read, the Encyclopedia of World Biography Online is an invaluable source of knowledge. It offers a comprehensive overview of thousands of prominent figures from all over the world, ranging from ancient times to the present day. The encyclopedia is an invaluable resource for discovering inspiring stories of people who have made their mark on the world.

This online encyclopedia features biographies of prominent figures from diverse backgrounds, including politicians, scientists, athletes, and entertainers. It includes biographical information about the person’s professional career, personal life, and accomplishments. It also provides images, videos, and audio clips related to the biography. The encyclopedia is constantly updated with new biographies, making it easy to stay up to date on the latest news and developments in the world of biography.

The Encyclopedia of World Biography Online is an excellent source of information for both casual readers and students. It is an invaluable resource for research and education, providing in-depth information about the people who have shaped the world. It is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in learning more about the fascinating people who have made a lasting impact on the world.

Tips for Writing World Biographies

Writing biographies of people from all around the world can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to ensuring accuracy and completeness. With the Encyclopedia of World Biographies Online, authors have access to a wealth of information that can be used to craft engaging and informative biographies. Here are some tips to help make the process easier:

1. Start with the basics: Get to know the subject by researching their background and accomplishments. Focus on the most relevant and important information.

2. Incorporate data: Supplement the facts with interesting snippets of information, such as quotes, anecdotes, or statistics, to bring the biography to life.

3. Showcase the subject’s achievements: Highlight the person’s accomplishments in a way that encourages readers to think more deeply about the subject.

4. Use expert opinions: Include commentary from people who knew the subject, such as family members, colleagues, or mentors.

5. Keep it concise: Use the Encyclopedia of World Biographies Online to find the right amount of information to include in the biography.

By following these tips, authors can write engaging, informative, and SEO friendly biographies that will capture the attention of readers everywhere. With a comprehensive online resource like the Encyclopedia of World Biographies Online, writing world biographies is made easier, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

Examples of Notable World Biographies

The Encyclopedia of World Biography Online is an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to learn about the lives of famous people throughout history. It features biographical essays from leading scholars and historians, providing comprehensive overviews of the lives and accomplishments of prominent figures from all walks of life, from scientists to politicians, from musicians to activists. The encyclopedia covers a broad range of topics, from the life of a single person to the biography of an entire nation.

The encyclopedia also includes a selection of notable world biographies, ranging from historical figures such as Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan to more contemporary figures like Steve Jobs and Malala Yousafzai. Each biography is presented in an engaging and informative style, with a focus on providing an in-depth analysis of the person’s life and accomplishments. The biographies are also accompanied by images, audio and video clips, and links to relevant external sources.

The Encyclopedia of World Biography Online is an excellent resource for anyone interested in learning more about the lives of famous people from around the world. Whether you’re a student of history, a budding biographer, or simply curious about the lives of interesting people, the encyclopedia provides an invaluable resource for exploring the biographies of some of the most influential people in history.

FAQs About the Encyclopedia Of World Biography Online

Q1: Is Encyclopedia of World Biography Online free?
A1: Yes, Encyclopedia of World Biography Online is a free online resource available for public use.

Q2: How often is Encyclopedia of World Biography Online updated?
A2: Encyclopedia of World Biography Online is updated regularly to ensure that the latest biographies are readily available.

Q3: What type of information is available on Encyclopedia of World Biography Online?
A3: Encyclopedia of World Biography Online offers a comprehensive collection of biographies of notable people from around the world. It includes detailed information about each individual, such as date and place of birth, family background, education, career, and achievements.


The Encyclopedia of World Biography Online is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and anyone else interested in learning more about the lives of influential people throughout history. It offers comprehensive biographies of individuals from all over the world, including famous politicians, athletes, scientists, and more. The encyclopedia is regularly updated and provides an expansive range of information and resources to explore. As such, it is an essential reference tool for anyone looking to gain a greater understanding of our shared history and the people that shaped it.

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