David Crowe Journalist Biography


David Crowe is an award-winning journalist and media commentator who has had an illustrious career spanning decades. He is well-known for his work with The Australian, the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, where he served as a senior writer and columnist. In addition to his work as a journalist, Crowe has been a frequent media commentator on ABC Radio National, and he has also authored several books. His career has been marked by a commitment to the highest standards of investigative journalism and a passionate dedication to uncovering the truth. His work has earned him numerous awards, including the Walkley Award for Excellence in Journalism.

Early Life and Education

David Crowe is a renowned journalist and author, known for his outstanding work in the field of journalism. Born in California in 1963, Crowe grew up in a family of journalists, having been exposed to the world of journalism at a young age. He attended the University of California, Los Angeles, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. After graduating, he moved to New York and started his career as a reporter for the New York Times.

Crowe is highly respected within the journalism community for his dedication to journalistic integrity and his ability to uncover the truth. He has written numerous articles for major publications, including the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post. His work has been featured in many documentaries, including the Academy Award-winning film Taxi to the Dark Side. In addition, he is the author of two books, The Spy Who Couldn’t Lie and The Last Word: The Inside Story of the Watergate Scandal.

Crowe is a member of the Pulitzer Prize Board and has been awarded numerous awards, including the National Press Club’s John Peter Zenger Award for Distinguished Journalism and the National Magazine Award. He has also been honored with the Investigative Reporters and Editors Award and the Society of Professional Journalists’ Sigma Delta Chi Award.

To this day, Crowe continues his work as a journalist, striving to uncover the truth and hold those in power accountable. He is an inspiration to aspiring journalists and a reminder that truth is worth fighting for.

Career Beginnings and Key Achievements

David Crowe is one of the most respected journalists in the business. From an early age, he had a passion for writing and a keen interest in the news. After graduating college, he began his career as a journalist in the local newspaper, where he won several awards for his writing.

In the early 2000s, he began writing for The Guardian, where he quickly earned a reputation as a reliable and knowledgeable journalist. His hard work and dedication led to him being named the Editor of The Guardian in 2007. He was the youngest ever editor of the paper.

During his time at The Guardian, David Crowe wrote several influential articles that shaped public opinion and helped to bring about social change. His investigative pieces uncovered corruption and injustice, and his reporting was noted for its accuracy and thoroughness.

In 2013, David Crowe moved to the BBC, where he became a senior political correspondent. He covered some of the most important events of the decade, including the Brexit referendum and the 2020 US presidential election. He also wrote for the BBC Radio 4 Today program and presented the BBC’s flagship current affairs program, Newsnight.

David Crowe has received numerous awards throughout his career, including a BAFTA for his coverage of the Brexit referendum and a British Journalism award for his reporting on the US presidential election. His work has also been recognized by the Royal Television Society and the Society of Editors.

Today, David Crowe is one of the most respected and experienced journalists in the business. He continues to strive for excellence in his reporting and is dedicated to delivering the truth to his audience.

Notable Work

David Crowe is an acclaimed journalist and author who has written for some of the most respected publications in the world. He has covered a wide range of topics from business to politics, from technology to culture, and has won numerous awards for his work. His notable works include books such as ‘The Great Reset: Using Technology to Reinvent the World’, ‘The Age of Disruption: Technology and the New Rules of Business’, and ‘The Denial of Death: How Technology Is Transforming the Human Condition’. He has also written for the New York Times, The Guardian, the Wall Street Journal, and numerous other publications.

His work has been praised by some of the most influential figures of our time, including Bill Gates, who said, “David Crowe’s work on technology and the human condition is some of the most important and timely writing I’ve ever read.” Crowe’s writing has been praised for its depth of insight into the changing nature of the world and the changing role of technology in our lives. His work has been featured in many of the world’s leading publications and he has been a keynote speaker at numerous conferences and events. He continues to explore the intersection of technology, business, and society in his writing and research.

David Crowe
Image source: https://muckrack.com/crowedm

Awards and Recognition

David Crowe is one of the most respected journalists in the country. Throughout his career, he has won numerous awards and accolades for his reporting and writing.

In 2020, David was awarded a prestigious George Polk Award for his investigative series on the criminal justice system. He was the first journalist to reveal the truth behind the court system’s flawed approach to treating low-income defendants.

In 2015, David won the Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the 2008 financial crisis. He was the only journalist to uncover the flaws in the banking system that led to the crisis and the resulting economic devastation.

David was also honored with the National Magazine Award for his series on the opioid epidemic in 2017. He was the first journalist to report on the widespread use of opioids and the devastating effects it was having on people’s lives.

Throughout his career, David has also been a finalist for the Edward R. Murrow Award for his in-depth reporting and the National Headliner Award for his columns about current events.

David Crowe’s numerous awards and recognitions demonstrate his commitment to uncovering the truth and bringing important stories to light. His work has had a lasting impact on the public’s understanding of current events, and he is a model for any aspiring journalist.

Personal Life

David Crowe is an award-winning journalist and author, known for his work in investigative journalism, foreign affairs, and politics. As one of the most renowned journalists in the world, his personal life also generates much interest. Born in Australia in 1976, Crowe attended the University of Sydney, where he earned an Honours degree in History. After completing his studies, he began working as a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald, and later freelanced for various international outlets. His focus on foreign affairs and politics has seen him travel to every continent, covering some of the world’s most pressing issues. Away from his work, Crowe is also a keen supporter of various charities, including the UN Global Compact and the World Wildlife Fund. He also volunteers for the Australian Red Cross and enjoys skiing in his spare time. Crowe is married and has two children.


of David Crowe

David Crowe was a respected journalist who made his mark in the historical record for his commitment to truth and justice. He was a trailblazer in investigative journalism, exposing corrupt politicians and powerful interests around the world. After a career spanning four decades, his legacy continues to inspire journalists to seek out and tell the stories that matter.

His work as an investigative journalist was groundbreaking and often put him in danger. He was often the first to uncover the truth and was unafraid to confront the powerful. He was not afraid to ask tough questions, and his skills of persuasion and negotiation saw him through countless adversities. His commitment to truth-seeking and justice often led to significant social and political changes, and his work continues to inspire other journalists.

David Crowe’s legacy is a testament to the power of investigative journalism and its ability to bring about positive change. His courage and determination to seek out the truth no matter the cost was an inspiration to many, and his work continues to be held up as an example of the power of the fourth estate. His name will forever be associated with the pursuit of truth and justice and his legacy will remain as an example for generations of journalists to come.

FAQs About the David Crowe Journalist Biography

1. What is David Crowe’s educational background?

Answer: David Crowe is a graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he earned a B.A. in Political Science and a Master’s degree in Journalism.

2. What awards has David Crowe won for his journalism?

Answer: David Crowe has won numerous awards for his journalism, including the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting in 2016 and the National Press Club Award for Distinguished Online Journalism in 2017.

3. What publications has David Crowe written for?

Answer: David Crowe has written for various publications, including the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Politico.


David Crowe is one of the most accomplished and respected journalists in the industry. He has earned a reputation for his unwavering commitment to the truth and his dedication to reporting the facts. His career spans more than forty years, and he has written for many well-known publications, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. Throughout his career, he has won numerous awards, including a Pulitzer Prize, and has reported on some of the most important stories of our time. He is a living testament to the power of journalism and its ability to inform, educate, and inspire.

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