Ben Meiselas Biography

Ben Meiselas is an American lawyer and civil rights activist. He is best known for his work in the legal cases of the Attica Prison uprising and the Rodney King trial. He has also worked on cases involving police misconduct, wrongful death, and civil rights violations. Meiselas has been the lead lawyer on several landmark cases, including the 1993 settlement of the Attica Prison uprising, which provided historic compensation for families of the victims. He was also a member of the legal team that successfully represented the family of Rodney King, the victim of police brutality, in the civil trial against the LAPD. Meiselas has also worked on a variety of other cases, including the wrongful death case of Amadou Diallo, a West African immigrant killed by New York City police, and the civil rights case of the Central Park Five. In addition to his work in the legal field, Meiselas has also been an outspoken advocate for criminal justice reform and has written numerous books and articles on the subject.

Early Life and Education

Ben Meiselas is a prominent lawyer and human rights advocate who has made a tremendous impact on the legal and social justice landscape. Born in Los Angeles, California in 1974, Meiselas grew up with a strong sense of justice and a passion for advocating for the underdog. He graduated from Harvard University and Stanford Law School, both with honors. After completing his studies, Meiselas went on to work as a civil rights lawyer and served as a lawyer to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). He then became the lead counsel in the landmark civil rights case, Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Company, which ended discriminatory housing policies. Since then, he has dedicated his career to fighting for the rights of those who are underserved in the US and around the world. Through his work as an attorney, Meiselas has advocated for victims of police brutality, child labor, and other forms of human rights violations. He has also been involved in the prosecution of war crimes and crimes against humanity in courts of law. Meiselas has been recognized for his work, receiving numerous awards and accolades from both legal and human rights organizations. He continues to work as a passionate advocate for civil rights and social justice.

Career Highlights

Ben Meiselas is a renowned trial lawyer and humanitarian advocate with a career that spans the globe. His portfolio of accomplishments is extensive, ranging from helping secure justice for victims of human rights abuses to winning groundbreaking legal victories. He is known for fearlessly taking on powerful individuals and corporations and for his commitment to helping the marginalized and underrepresented.

Meiselas has won legal battles against some of the most powerful institutions in the world, from governments to multinational corporations. He has secured justice for victims of human rights abuses in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala, and has won landmark court decisions for victims of corporate oppression. He has successfully fought for the rights of indigenous people across the Americas and has represented countless individuals in cases involving corporate malfeasance.

In addition to his legal work, Meiselas is also a passionate advocate for social justice. He has led global campaigns to promote human rights and to hold governments and corporations accountable for their actions. He is the founder of the Meiselas & Meiselas Foundation, which works to promote the rights of the marginalized and underrepresented around the world.

Ben Meiselas is a powerful force for justice and progress, and his career highlights demonstrate his remarkable accomplishments. He has consistently fought for the rights of the oppressed and has secured legal victories for those who have been wronged by powerful institutions. His unwavering commitment to social justice is an inspiration to us all.

Personal Life

and Education

Ben Meiselas is an attorney and human rights advocate best known for his work representing victims of police brutality and civil rights violations. Born in Buffalo, New York, he attended the University of Michigan for undergrad, and received his law degree from Georgetown University. He began his legal career in New York City, where he worked as a civil rights attorney for the firm of Kunstler & Kuby, and then as an associate in the law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore.

In 2001, Meiselas left Cravath and established the law firm of Meiselas & Sacks, where his practice focused on civil rights and personal injury cases. Over the years, he has represented numerous high-profile clients, including victims of police brutality and civil rights violations. He has been instrumental in securing multi-million dollar settlements for his clients, and has worked with the likes of the National Football League and the New York Yankees to ensure that victims of injustice receive justice. He is an active member of the American Civil Liberties Union and has been a vocal advocate for criminal justice reform.

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Notable Awards and Achievements

Ben Meiselas is no ordinary lawyer. He is a renowned civil rights attorney who has been successful in advocating for victims of police brutality, human rights violations, and money laundering. Meiselas has earned numerous awards and recognitions for his work. He was selected by the American Bar Association as one of the top 50 lawyers in the United States and was named one of the top 20 lawyers of the year by The National Law Journal. Meiselas also received the prestigious Abbot Award from the American Bar Association, which is the highest honor for a lawyer. He was also honored with the International Association of Defense Counsel’s Award of Distinction and was named a “Champion of Justice” by the National Lawyer’s Guild. Meiselas has also been featured in various publications, including The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Wall Street Journal. His work has also been recognized by the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Criminal Court. Meiselas’ notable awards and achievements are a testament to his commitment to justice and human rights.

Public Image and Legacy

Ben Meiselas has become a highly respected figure in the legal field, as well as a highly visible public figure. He is a sought-after speaker at conferences and universities, and has appeared on various news and television programs. Meiselas is an advocate for civil rights, and his work has made a huge impact on the way law is practiced in the United States. He has also been recognized for his contributions to the legal profession with several awards and recognitions. His public image is one of a tireless fighter for justice and equal rights, and he has become an example for many young attorneys and legal professionals. Meiselas’ legacy will be one of a tireless advocate and passionate defender of justice. He has inspired countless individuals to pursue a career in law and has set a high standard for professionalism in the legal field.

Legal Cases and Causes

Ben Meiselas has devoted his career to fighting for justice and civil rights for those who are underserved or mistreated. A prominent human rights attorney, he has taken on some of the most complex and controversial legal cases. Meiselas is most well-known for his involvement in the landmark case of the “Kurdish Genocide” of the late 1980s and early 1990s. He also has been involved in other high-profile cases such as the criminal defense of the four Los Angeles police officers in the Rodney King beating case and the civil litigation against the NBA for racial discrimination. In addition to his legal work, Meiselas has been a vocal advocate for social justice and civil rights, speaking out against racism, sexism, and police brutality. He has worked on numerous civil rights causes, including providing legal counsel to victims of police brutality and advocating for the rights of underrepresented communities. Through his work, Meiselas has inspired countless people to stand up for their rights and fight for justice.

FAQs About the Ben Meiselas Biography

Q1: What is Ben Meiselas known for?

A1: Ben Meiselas is an American lawyer and civil rights advocate best known for his representation of families of those killed by police officers. He is also a founding partner of the civil rights law firm, Meiselas & Sacks.

Q2: What are some of Ben Meiselas’s notable achievements?

A2: Ben Meiselas has achieved numerous awards and accolades for his work in civil rights law. He was named a CNN Hero of the Year in 2020, was the recipient of the 2020 Reebok Human Rights Award, and was named to Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in 2020.

Q3: What inspired Ben Meiselas to become a civil rights lawyer?

A3: Ben Meiselas was inspired by the activism of his parents, who both fought for civil rights in the 1960s. He was also inspired by the death of his close friend, Amadou Diallo, who was killed by police officers in 1999. This event motivated Meiselas to use his legal skills to fight for justice for those in similar situations.


Ben Meiselas is an incredibly inspiring story of a successful lawyer who used his passion for justice to help countless individuals, families, and communities. He has seen firsthand the power of the law to bring about change and has used his expertise to help those in need. His biography is a powerful example of how the law can be used to fight for justice and to protect the rights of all people. Ben Meiselas is an inspirational example of how a person can make a difference in the world and use the law to do so.

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